Monday, August 5, 2013

Pretty for a Big Girl....WTF?

I've been considered a "Big Girl" literally MY ENTIRE LIFE. I went from being called a chubby baby, to a fat child, then a thick teenager until recently at the age of 20 I FINALLY decided to take control and come up with my own name..."Fluffy". People who do not understand what it means to be fluffy are often ignorant to the fact that we do not appreciate "Backhanded Compliments". If you are unsure of the meaning of the phrase "Backhanded Compliment" my formal definition is as follows; An Insult wrapped up and presented to you as a compliment by a Dumb Ass Person. Have ever been told "You Look Good For A....(fill in the bank)? If so You have been the VICTIM of the Backhanded Compliment.

Baby Me! Chubby Cheeks, HUGE Forehead aint much change! lol

NO ONE is exempt from receiving this form of ignorance because at the end of the day most humans in the world do not fit into societies mold of beauty. Your too black, Your Hair isn't Long enough, Your skins too Pastie, Your too tall, You have Crooked teeth, Your too fat, or not thick enough ....ext. THE LIST CAN GO ON FOREVER!  Not everyone is going to like what you look like or even understand how you could possibly love the way you look but none of that really matters once you find happiness within yourself. That might sound really cliche but believe me I tell you know lies. I have sat on my own fat ass and CRIED about having a fat ass! Meanwhile right next door is a girl crying because she think her booty is too little. Many of us know what it feels like to look in the mirror and not appreciate what you see because of what someone else said so trust I've been there & done that. There has to be a time where you reach an epiphany and begin loving you. Once you've gotten to that happy stage in your life all those backhanded compliments can never hurt you, they will be nothing more than some annoying shit a foolish person once said to you with a smile.

American researcher and artist Nickolay Lamm created a Barbie doll using the measurements of an average 19 year old woman. Society vs. Reality

In a perfect world there would be no such thing as being pretty for a big girl but until we reach that social utopia all we can do is correct the ignorance one person at a time. The next time a person feels the need to attach some negativity to a compliment don't except it. CORRECT THEM!!!!! Ex.Your so pretty for big girl....Respond No Honey I'm just Very Pretty & Thank you for noticing! Don't be rude just correct the ignorance & if a person has a problem with your correction Leave there Dumb Ass Alone...PERIOD...Clearly they like being an ignorant person and that is no concern of yours. Like I said before changing others opinion of you is unnecessary when you have a positive self image but we as human beings need to work on stopping the ignorance one Foolish Compliment at a time.

Thank You Taylor Mon`e For this Wonderful Topic (On IG @Callmet_Money)

                           I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!

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