Thursday, August 8, 2013

Masturbating Metabolism

 I believe that 90 percent of the women in the world Masturbate and the other 10 percent are most likely all pathological liars lol. If you are unsure of the true meaning of the word masturbation, the textbook definition according to is; "[The] erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies." In plain English masturbation is nothing more than trying to obtain sexual pleasure and reach and orgasmic peak without the use of another persons genitals, Instead you manually stimulate yourself with you hands or my personal preference with the use of a sex toy of some kind. 

Female Sexuality was more widely acceptable and celebrated in more ancient times such as the renaissance period.  In the artist, Titian's painting "Venus of Urbino" The female in this portrait is Masturbating. 

Many people consider masturbation to be taboo or even a perversion in some senses but in actuality it is a very natural and even healthy sexual act. Masturbation has even been a proven factor in weight loss.....YEA I SAID IT "PETTING THE KITTY" HELPS WITH WEIGHT LOSS!!! If you have ever exercised for a long period of time you notice you feel a sense of Euphoria (Good Feeling) which is caused by positive blood flow throughout the body.....Now if you have masturbated for a period long enough to orgasm you will also notice you feel that same euphoric feeling there is a reason for that! Losing weight is ALL ABOUT burning more calories than you consume and most sexual act are extremely physical depending on your sex life of course so they are GREAT for burning calories. Masturbating in particular is very good for keeping the heart rate up before or after an exercise routine. Masturbation also helps positive blood flow in the body thus promoting heart health and a more functional cardiovascular system. This means when you decide to do any cardio exercises such as going jogging or anything strenuous you wont lose your breath as easily. 

Aside from just losing weight masturbation has many sexual-health benefits as well. Every time you masturbate your sexual organs are releasing once you reach an orgasm and ultimately cleansing themselves. If you are a woman masturbation also promotes more ACTUAL orgasms during sex with your partner.....I know you had to fake a few once before lol! I personally had never reached a sexual orgasm before I began to masturbate. When you manually stimulate yourself it makes it easier for your "Hot Spots" to be stimulated again with the help of a partner. Climaxing during sex promotes weight loss by exorcising the vaginal muscles and again working for your cardiovascular system. Experimenting with your partner during masturbation can help you more easily reach your climax rather than being alone and it helps you both learn more about each others bodies.

Do not be scared to explore your body its a normal thing and believe it or not most of us have done it whether we where in a relationship or not. Masturbation is not an shameful act and honestly its less risky than any other sex act because you obviously cant gain a potential Sexually Transmitted Disease from a sexual partner. Pleasuring yourself can sometimes be more satisfying than actual sex with a partner and that's just 100% real..... the health and weight loss benefits are a HUGE PLUS in it all. So the next time your alone and comfortable don't be scared to try something new..... Nobody Knows Your Body Better Than You!

                           I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!