Sunday, July 28, 2013

Road Trip Rules

ROAD-TRIP!!!!!! Everyone Loves a good road trip. Good friends on the road enjoying great conversation, music and the beautiful view of the open road. The anticipation of arriving at your designated destination is enough to fuel the entire ride there. What more could you ask for right? Road trips are truly all fun and games ...Well at least until the your tired, sweaty, dirty, hungry, anxious & you've gained 8 pounds snacking on EVERYTHING you could find during this long ass trip lol! I love road trips and I'm a firm believer that ALL DIETS ARE OFF during vacation but there is no reason to waste all those calories on the trip to the vacation spot. I hate gaining road-trip weight so I came up with my Slim Solution to a Fluffy Problem. 

Drink LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of WATER!: This is the most simple solution to maintaining a healthy weight especially during a very long trip believe me. I know most people hate to stop during long car rides (myself included) and drinking lots of water is a sure fire way of everyone having to potty lol BUT proper Hydration is very very important! Water serves many purposes in the overall wellness of the body including fat flushing. When your on a road trip for hours or even days at a time your body takes a beat down because you aren't giving it the attention it needs. A lot of the time our bodies get dehydrated during these long trips and we need to replenish them with fresh water. I also suggest taking a vitamin supplement before the trip since you wont be able to eat well balanced meals on this long of a trip. My rule of the road is allow yourself one fruit juice drink or energy drink [For the driver(s)] for the entire ride but other than that leave the Soda and sugary drinks at home!

DANCE YO ASS OFF!: A great playlist on a road trip can be just as fun as going to the club with your girls. Dancing is a great way to burn calories and considering you will be sitting in a car for hours it might even be the only time you get to really move around other than the occasional stop for gas. Even though I'm not very good at it I LOVE To DANCE, ESPECIALLY CAR DANCING! There is no better place to bust a move than when your on a road trip with friends or family. Make sure you have a designated DJ who sits in the passenger seat and controls the radio....They need to be the "Fun Friend" who will keep the car live. Don't get me wrong everyone loves a good Beyonce' sing along BUT sappy songs the whole ride is No Bueno! Along with killing time and promoting a great car ride, dancing will help promote a little movement in the body and that's better for you than sleeping the whole way.....So plug in the iPhone, throw on the Twerk Team playlist lol, turn the radio on MAX volume & DON'T DROP THAT THUN THUN THUN!!!! (side-note: Buckle Up! Safety First)

Snack SMART!: Snacks on a road trip are essential but knowing how to snack smart is also very important. A lot of a road trip is truly just sitting in the same spot for hours so of course you will be more tempted to eat for absolutely no reason other than the fact that your bored as hell. The simple solution to that is ONLY PACK HEALTHY SNACK ALTERNATIVES! Fresh fruit is always my go to when it comes to road trips. Make or buy a fruit salad so you have a variety of fruits to eat and stick it in the cooler. You also want to include snacks that are high in proteins like nuts and different trail mixes to keep you and the driver alert during the lengthy car ride. I typically like to eat before the road trip so I'm not as hungry it helps cut down on over indulging. My weakness is chips so I like to find chip alternatives like Pita chips, Banana chips and rice cakes. As long as you find healthy snacks to fill the car up with you cant go wrong. 

                           I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!

Monday, July 22, 2013

YUMMY: Jazzy Chef Salad!


What You Need:
Large Bowl
Olive Oil
Baby Shrimp
Chicken Breast
Cheddar Cheese
Baby Spinach
Black Pepper
Onion/Garlic Powder

What to do:
Saute Chicken breast at a medium heat with Olive Oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder for 15 mins or until completely done. Chop into strips and place to the side. Add baby shrimp into the pan and saute the same way as the chicken for about 5 mins or until shrimp is tender and place to the side. Boil Eggs and chop up into small chunks... place to the side. Add Baby Spinach into the bowl. Dice tomatoes and place them in a line on the end of the bowl. Take boiled eggs and line them up next to the tomatoes. Repeat with grater cheddar cheese, chicken and shrimp and serve!

                           I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!

Dazzling Date Night

Whether your in a relationship or just dating around you should know how to prepare for your date nights. I LOVE LOVE LOVE date night. If your in a relationship it gives you a chance catch up with your booski lol. You get to step back from the everyday world and just come together with your partner to truly enjoy each others company. If your just dating this is the time that you get to meet new people and figure out qualities you Love and what you want in your new potential Boo! Either way you need to know how to dress and where to get the things that will have you looking and feeling your best.

Get The right Doo: Your hair says a lot about you believe it or not. I am an avid weave wearer and I feel like I have the best hairdresser in the world (Listed Below).                                                                                 
Ms.Zahava Contact Number: (470) 767-1158, IG Zahavagold_hairartistry SHE'S THE BEST!!
 Hair can make or break your entire look believe me no body wants to see a raggedy head piece. Your hair should be just as expressive as your personality. JUST TO CLARIFY!...When I say that I don't mean you should walk around with a crayola box on top of your head UNLESS THAT'S YOUR THING lol but seriously you should always take pride in your own unique look. The Key to keeping your hair up during the date is CHECK THE WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE DAY! Weather is defiantly a determining factor for ALL HAIR TYPES. If your expecting ugly weather there are plenty of ways to still look your best while maintaining your hair. 

  • Rock A MEEEAAANNN Up-do!- I love a fly up-do! It gives you a chance to expose your beautiful face and wear some bomb ass accessories. Some of my favorite fabulous up-dos are The classic MESSY BUN Perfect for bad weather or just a quick cute look. THE ZAMUNDA BRAID OMG I love this look so much it looks so regal it can turn any woman into a Nubian princess. THE PIN UP a few bobby pins could make ya hair look amazing while keeping it up in the weather.  
  • GO CURLY!- A curly Hairstyle is great for bad weather because its supposed to be a little messy and unorthodox. They are very trendy and versatile so you can style it to your liking.
  • Utilize Scarfs & Hats- If you know me you know I LOVE my scarfs SOOOOO much! They can turn an ordinary outfit into something extremely fly with very little effort. Scarfs are so versatile you can tie them in so many ways Bows, Buns, Rolls, Turbans, Braids the options are limitless (I will be doing a Scarf tying post later on this week by the way). A cute hat is just as effective! 

Get Your Makeup Done: You want to look your best on date night and there's nothing wrong with a little enhancer. I'm in love with Black eyeliner but honestly I'm not a huge makeup girl simply because I don't know how to apply it properly so if I want my face beat I usually let someone else do it lol! Makeup done well can help enhance your look especially if your looking for a more dramatic look overall. BUT IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROPERLY APPLY IT DON'T!!! I hate seeing women walk around with them big ass eye brows! There is nothing wrong with paying to get you makeup done professionally or calling a friend to do it for you. Lucky me my roommate is a GREAT freelance makeup artist (Listed Below) so if I have any questions I usually go to her! Its way better to get your makeup done rather than going on a date looking like a damn clown. 

TOP WORKS: Ms.Aleasha, IG- leasharae_ (ATL)   BOTTOM WORKS: Ms.Monica, IG- Dreadloccouture (SC)  

Dress For The Occasion: Dress for the occasion. You can keep it cute and casual or sassy and sexy its all up to you and the venue. If your going out to a nice dinner date or something more formal your best bet is to throw them heels on and find a cute dress. If your going on a more casual date Jeans, a sexy top and accessories will almost always works. The key to getting dressed for dates is to not dwell on it so much. If your feeling your best it will always shine through stay true to yourself and don't be scared to show a little skin after all this is a date not bible study just remember to keep it classy! 

  • Here are some great plus sized websites that I use frequently for my date night outfits as well as any other event.

                           I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


There is a MAJOR difference between a "Plus-Size Diva" and a "Plus-Size Disaster"!!!! Being the plus size queen that I am I try to hold myself to a certain standard especially when it comes to my physical appearance. I'm a strong believer in inner beauty but in reality its very hard to get to know a person's inside if the outside is a Hot Ass Mess. I love women of all shapes and sizes but I feel like my fellow fluffy ladies NEED TO DO BETTER! I'm so tired of seeing curvy girls not reaching their full potential due to lack of self-confidence and ultimately respect!

Even though these photos are funny THIS IS REAL!!!

Keep It Tight!- I notice there is a lack of self worth in the plus size community that seems to leave some ladies in a desperate state. Just because you are a curvy woman DOSE NOT MEAN  you have to settle for anything in this life..... It also DOSE NOT MEAN you have to be a promiscuous to feel romantic love. Sometimes woman will do anything to gain attention from guys including lower themselves and their standards. You will never find the love of your life by exposing all your goodies online or sleeping with every dude that shows you a little attention. Learn to love yourself and the love of others will follow suit. WE GOT TO DO BETTER!

Keep It Real!- Stop kidding yourself Everything aint for EVERYBODY! Wear things that flatter your shape. The beauty in life is diversity....We are ALL made totally different so you cant expect to duplicate every look without some modifications. You can be sexy a fashionable but you have to do what works for you and stop trying to do what works for everyone else. We all have imperfections that we should embrace but at the same time the world dose not have to see your booty hanging out and each and every one of your rolls for you to be a proud plus-size women. WE GOT TO DO BETTER!

Keep It Respectful!- Don't HATE on ANYONE! Just because your a fluffy lady you cant be hateful towards those that are less fluffy than you lol. Women love to compete with each other because for some reason ladies feel threatened by other ladies. It kills me when I hear Plus-Size women call slim women "Skinny Bitches" but will RAISE HELL if someone even utters the word FAT around them. BE REAL disrespect is disrespect plain and simple appreciate your fellow female rather than trying to tear her down. Learn how to give compliments to other ladies and stop Hating! Putting down others will never make you a happier women. WE GOT TO DO BETTER!


                             I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

YUMMY: Layered Fruit Salad

I Love fruit Salad because it looks as just as good as it tastes! Its perfect for the summer, Super Easy to make and its a great item to bring to an event. Here's What you need to make this colorful treat.

Grapes (Whatever color you like)
Fresh Pineapple Chucks
Sweet Coconut flakes (Optional)
Vanilla Pudding (Optional)
A Large glass bowl or Vase (Must be Transparent)


To begin rinse off all fruit. Cut up the Strawberries into medium size chunks and cut the Kiwi into small chunks. Grab your glassware and layer The Pineapple chunks first, followed by the Strawberries, Blueberries, and Grapes at the top. Next Poor the Pudding over the top layer of Grapes. Sprinkle on the Kiwi and Coconut flakes to top. Let it sit in the fridge for 10 min & Enjoy!

                          I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right. 

Fourth of July Do's and Don'ts

The Fourth of July is one of my absolute favorite holidays! It's an American celebration full of food, friends, fun and of course Drinks whats not to like? I know a lot of people will be going out to enjoy the holiday and in order to stay safe and truly enjoy your Fourth of July you should follow certain guidelines to ensure you get the most of your Independents Day.

1. HAVE A PLAN-  Being spontaneous can be exciting but it could also be extremely disappointing with these type of holidays. There is always a ton of things going on, everybody is throwing something and that's even more reason for you to not wait until the last minute to figure out when and where you want to be. If you want to hit up different events organize a plan before hand so you can have an idea of where you will begin and end your day. Waiting until the last minute to make plans can become so hectic and overwhelming to the point where you end up going absolutely no where & THAT SUX. I say all that just to say try to have your plan set to make things go more smoothly. I guarantee you with get more out of the day.

2. DRESS APPROPRIATELY- Just because this a patriotic holiday DOSE NOT MEAN you will get away with wrapping an American flag around ya ass and walking out the door lol. That's a HUGE MISCONCEPTION.....I see this at least once EVERY year. The key to having a GREAT TIME on the fourth is of course dressing the part. Depending on where you go is how you should select your outfit. Being trendy and fashionable is all good but being comfortable is most important of all. Most 4th of July events are outdoors so dress the part...sandals, hats, sun dresses, shorts all those things are outside friendly.Its summer time so wear bright colors and try tattered clothes like ripped jeans and crop tops. If your cute and comfortable you cant go wrong no matter where you choose to celebrate on the 4th.
L TO R: Cherish @SoulfulCher, Debora @Debstarbitch, Danni @Liivelovedanii_

3. DON'T BE TACKY- People tend to forget this rule a lot when they go to BBQs or Potlucks on the 4th of July. If you know your going to any kind of social event with friends and family that involves food you should always bring something just out of courtesy. If your not sure what to bring ask the host of the event to see what is needed. Bring a dish from home if you like to cook.....I will be posting a YUMMY post soon for you guys so you can see how to make one of my favorite 4th of July recipes. If you don't want to bring food you can also bring a gift for the host that's is always very courteous and thoughtful... A bottle of wine, flowers anything sweet just to let them know you thought about it.

4. KNOW YOUR LIMITS- This tip applies to not only drinking but also eating! Don't forget that there is a 5th of July lol meaning don't waste all your progress on one day because it's ONLY one day. Enjoy the day and the food in moderation but don't over indulge.The same goes for drinking...Have fun get your buzz on lol but know your limits and make sure if you do drink you have a safe ride home. I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July I Know I will! Enjoy.
I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right.