Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pussy On A Pedestal

Although we toast to 2014, the brand new year has yet to change many people's out dated perceptions of the female species. Women were never meant to be placed in a box behind a man,but socially we are expected take the back seat to our masculine counterparts. Why Is That?

Who do we blame for these misogynistic ideals? Some say the media's portrayal of women is to blame. I believe the wide spread coverage and misleading images of femininity on television, and music can only effect those that are ignorant to the matter. The picture perfect “Leave it to Beaver” perception of the idealistic American family has been an image inscribed into our minds for decades. The structured home with a male dominant as the sole provider for the household has changed dramatically over the past decades. Truth be told, there are just as many single women in the country who hold down the fort just as well; if not better than a man could.The media’s stereotypes of women may have a direct effect on the minds of the American public, but we don’t have to let it effect us on an individual level. The barrios of gender are drawn in the sands of society’s beach but will wash away with the sea of knowledge.

Women are often looked at to be only as valuable as their physical assets. Our mental capacity can be overlooked and ignored depending on how cute we are or how well we know how to shake our asses. Some men will even refer to a women by referencing her genitals. One of the more "Interesting" statements I've heard from a young man was "You can never give the BOX too much credit". If you didn't already know, BOX is used as a slang term for vagina. The Box, The Pussy, The Female, The Woman...These are all phrases that are used interchangeably throughout a plethora of peoples conversations. Phrases such as these can consume the minds of the male species, allowing them to relay back to misogynistic values.

Some guys will put women's pussy on a pedestal before they even get to know her personally. Oh the great lengths men have gone through just to have sex with a women they barely even knew. My question is this.....If women can have "control" over man with just the mere use of our physical assets just imagine if we put our words and minds into effect.....WE COULD DOMINATE THE ENTIRE MALE SPECIES! 

There is so much power in the X chromosome, that's why men are only allowed to have one. That's just a joke. I'm actually not just some man hating women, I love men!!! especially the Good ones, but I just hope for the day when we are looked at as mental equals instead of always being in a constant "Battle of the Sexes". Let me be your counterpart and not your second in command. Own your intelligence because eventually your pussy will slowly fall off the pedestal.  

I don't have it all figured out, I'm just trying to get my figure right.